gGerman democratic judges 95% Nazis out of 3rd reich

MOVIE short version DOCU: Comeback 1997 to Comeback 2008
shows commemorial left for 9.nov 1923 in munich and hitlers misleed2008 march in main city putsch ____Honouring of heroes with red blood flag___Component of the sakral rituals of the Nazi martyr cult __ Honouring of heroes --Maryr cult 15 .11. 2008
Decree of german Judges Bavarian supreme court
Nazis are financialy backed up by german internal revenue administration: for all their organisations are classified as tax free and of common benefit.
To permit the Nazi martyr cult commemoration of 9.nov 1923
Nazis marched with Grabkranz –funeral wreath
Who are THE judges ? Ingo Müller: Furchtbare Juristen, Die unbewältigte Vergangenheit der deutschen Justiz
80% of Hitlers judges were integrated in democratic germany and became high executive lawyers in supreme court. Never ever called to court for their crimes.
After ww2 , 80% of the terrible justice members of the 3rd reich were reintegrated in state services of german democracy and entered highest positions of power__never ever charged before court for their crimes …their malign spirit of state burocratic ideologies continued open or hidden and was teached and handed out to the subsequent justice generation to the impart of the same view and action matrix . but even worse the german court and justice system never eliminated this institutional structure .
“never again “ never ever reached german court ……
arbitrariness and utility instead of truth and justice therefore linger on in adjudication under the surface….of democracy “ In german democracy. judges are free of supervision or legal control.
source: rolf bossi a prominent jewish trial lawyer .

Honouring heroes hitlers martyr cult of miscarried putsch 9th nov 1923
In 15 .11. 2008 in the left of munich
Nazis guard of honour headed with funeral wreath __entered city left with war songs out of three loudspeakers mounted on a Volkswagen -munich-number with loudspeakers mounted

city had turned down the application for the NAZi demo into left of munich .
The judges at the supreme Bavarian court
Decreed : NAZis can enter city at peak time Saturday in city left for 10 hours!!

Further The Judges decreed :
antifascist demonstraters shall be kept out of the NAZI demo!!!
The judges detailed troops for Nazis protection
1000 police from all over Bavaria to protect Nazis martyr commemoration march
There were 1000 antifascist
There were 1000 Nazis played LILI marleen--And war songs of 2nd WW
MOVIE SHOWS: march is Protected by police and german task force _
to make PR for their NAZI party : nazis are represented 9,7% in german parlaments
The application for request of fulfilment of demonstration right are entered by old NAZi lawyers and with know how help of THE Judges in retirement .
The Nazi party 2008 is composed of veteran JUDGES of supreme court of veteran Nazi lawyers in retirement
The young Nazi kidz came by train __backed up by munich Nazi judges and lawyers who did not show up !!!
shout the paroles : loudspeaker car Nazis shouting:dont´t put dirt on our fathers head ..They are innocent .... “we are the national resistence …..stop the traitors..protect our fathers and heroes for our fatherland ….stop the foreign press “

Evidence of the thesis : The judges govern germany not the politicians__the NAZI judges rule germany in 2008
event was a Propaganda event of worshipping war heroes of hitlers misleed Putsch in munich left in 1923.
munich 2008 --city had turned down the application
to carry out the city march of the Hitler putsch memo by new NAZIS

The judges gave order To sofocate the antisfascist actions 1000 persons
The police was up with 1000—to protect Nazis with 1000 persons

NAZIS Came by train
To mainstation- got a PR loudspeaker Volkswagen polo combi from their munich crew
main goal was to make PR for their NAZI party
Loudspeaker car “LILI marleen “, some “war songs” and shouted their : “we are the rebels against conformity of US press dominance ….”
Nazis shouting: dont´t put dirt on our fathers head ..They are innocent .... the holocout did´nt happen….Nazis shout : “we are the national resistence …..stop the traitors protect our fathers
heroes for our fatherland..stop he bolsevist devils “ backed up by old ladies and citizens
peak time Saturday in city shopping left and trainstation
15 November 08 Saturday shopping peak time 13 to 17 hours for familie
the NAZI judges --NAZI demonstration permitted by supreme Bavarian judges Court.

Saturday 1 mid-day in city left , shopping left of STachus (karlsplatz) of Sonnenstrasse and isartower old city valley ___Busines street to main station
Stachus city main shopping left____Sendlinger tor _Sonnenstrassse___ 10 to 17 hours ____Nazis walk the street
The application for request of fulfilment of demonstration right are entered by old NAZi lawyers and help of Judges in retirement .background: 9th nov 1923
munich city of the movement hitlers putsch , Hitler march to munich Feldherrnhalle
Promotional commemoration of the Hitler Putsch and 9. nov 1923 march through the city With 2000 armed comrades Hitler walks munich….
In 1924 he enters the landsberg carcel …..and writes “my struggle”supporters--Old veterans of -Nationale volkszeitung Nazi organ for germany and abroad ---in munich PAsing Edited by lawyers (dr.frey) backed up by german judges .they manage to get permission for all NAZi activities to be decided positive .
In duty 1000 police different charge__1000 antifascist demonstrators--were blocked off by police __Isartor valley--The historical meeting point in 1920 of Hitler at sterneck bräu___the end of the march__

General Clay in 1947 commented “ 95% of german justice administration are identified Nazis. “ but we have to keep them.
The film draws an associative memory to right wing protection in germany 2008 , backed up by Intellectuals to keep their positions. no government can clean up the court system for judges lobby reigns democratic germany ruled by Nazi judges- 2008----
Nazis are financialy backed up by german internal revenue administration: for all their organisations are classified as tax free and of common benefit.

Saturday main shopping hour
2008 Nazi entered mainstation munich cross city with Metro to Goetheplatz
Where they Adress an audience speach- loudspeaker mounted on Volkswagen.
walked the city with memorabila RED FLAG-- to end at ISARTOWER place
comeback of quiet help II germany: no political instance can controll The JUdges and The court administrations no desnazification took place in court—
books in universities of the 3rd reich still are teached . 2008 in court and law execution and in right wing behaviourism.

example: in court process script is dictated by The judges . they eliminate evidences out of the script. Judges Arbitrarines is without legal supervison.
2008 MUnichs wealth is due to high tec war industry situated in
Bavaria with European patent office and tax free licenceing(5%!!) for holding standpoint germany.-weapon industry patents licencing.

Example :
An antifascist was sentenced to Auschwitz by Hitler german judge
came free – and sued the state for rehabilitation in 1960 at court
There in court sat the same judge who sentenced him to the concentration camp.
The claim was rejected by the judge” you ll never learn it !”
That is german democratic justice., a joke .
General lucius d. clay 1947:
The opposition in the America to the denazification and decartelization of Germany was led almost exclusively by the elite from corporations and State Department that had been the most active in financing Germany in the 1920s and 1930s.

The lack of prosecution of war criminals had the effect of turning the American zone into a sanctuary for war criminals __Question is: why some Nazi criminals were never charged with crimes and actually promoted to new positions of power. ????
Synopsis comeback of quiet help— I 1997 II 2008
Target group young kidz in a hip hop style
Target group young kidz in a hip hop style
DOCU: Comeback 1997 to Comeback 2008

JAnuary 2008 Nazi march the Maximilianstreet with swastikas and rising arms , protected by judge decree
1997 german Nazis entering the city , by judges permission.
5000 nazis backed up by judges decree enter munich. 9,7 % enter the parliament backed up by judges decree.
Nazis are financialy backed up by german internal revenue administration: for all their organisations are classified as tax free and of common benefit.
General Clay in 1947 commented “ 95% of german justice administration are identified Nazis. “ but we have to keep them.

the story of justice system in germany is: No denazification took place in justice system NAzi.judges and attorneys were never charged with crimes and actually promoted to new positions of power.
Over fifty percent of those nominated by the American Legal Division were former Nazis in the automatic arrest category.

As a result in germany Nazis reunions are permitted and Nazi &right wing crimes against antifascists or foreigners are not prosecuted until 2008.
Nazi justice .members were Universities Deans of law faculty all over germany , which led to exclusively elite interpretation of democratic laws.

The court permission_2008_due To NAZi administration is made by judges, lawyers and sponsors of NAZi millionaires and NAZI newspaper __Die nationale zeitung— Munich today is left of NAZi administration--And of memoraila for NEW Nazi rising
hitler munich With Hoffmann-- With hess --With getting first job as representative
Hofbräihaus near by Sterneck brau—the Party central --Job for Hitler back from jail—
for 10 years he makes dachau memorial trips: Gordon Hogan irish artist guides x thousands of Americans -To the 1933 to 1945 tour--And can tell : 2000 concentrations camps- guide for Dachau concentration camp guides us to Schwabing resistences--Schellingstr. 50--they secretly remove the hakenkreuz swastika graffitis out of hofbräuhaus--Munich the left of hitlers start

bürger und stadt hatte die Nazi PR demo zum 15.11.2008 verboten.
GOOGLE deleted the original DOCU of German police protecting the NAZI March 2008 !!!!!!!
Ingo Müller: Furchtbare Juristen, Die unbewältigte Vergangenheit der deutschen Justiz
Achtzig Prozent der "furchtbaren Juristen " Hitlers wurden in den Staatsdienst der Bundesrepublik übernommen und rückten zum Teil in höchste Positionen auf - meist ohne dass ihre Verbrechen auch nur vor einem Gericht verhandelt worden wären. Ihren Ungeist haben sie offen oder verdeckt an große Teile der nachfolgenden Juristengeneration weitergereicht.. Aber das Schlimme ist, dass die deutsche Justiz diese schreckliche Erblast niemals institutionell abgeworfen hat. –rolf bossi—jewish trial lawyer-
Der Ruf des "Nie wieder! " ist in Deutschlands Justizpalästen, wenn überhaupt, nur sehr verhalten erschallt. Willkür und Zweckmäßigkeit anstelle von Wahrheit und Gerechtigkeit konnten so in der Rechtsprechung untergründig fortleben.

verschiedenen Privatwohnungen in München verwahrt, wurde die Fahne zum Mittelpunkt des in der Geschäftsstelle der NSDAP im Hinterhaus der Schellingstraße 50 eingerichteten "Ehrensaales der SA", ehe sie 1931 in der "Fahnenhalle" des "Braunen Hauses", des neuen Sitzes der Reichsleitung der NSDAP, Brienner Straße 45, ihren endgültigen Platz erhielt.

Zitat erster oberster gerichthof präsident 1968 Fritz Hartung Reichsgerichtsrat a.D.
„...das nationalsozialistische Regime Fortschritte von grundlegender Bedeutung gebracht ..., die bis heute Bestand haben und aus dem Strafrecht nicht wegzudenken sind “. quelle: prof ingo müller bundesverdienstkreuz

Their NAZI ideas were transported to nxt generation of lawyers and judges in democratic germany . And the constitution never changed jurisdiction structure without revision in court

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