start your double existence now . powered ....( movie)
out the new winner game is your Irvan :elegant polish director of photography,kameraman in slopy designer suit turned in filosofer who just does the opposite of what he´s talking about, on level 2013 chiefcamera operator of media pax´s victim-persecutor show,.slams in on red woman for his chief is Star susis EX yuppy-carman is traveling
european cities on his way to find money
for his „ last suvivors of industrial
aerea shows „ melo gets money for some obscure media project
never to find a start...but there is the night brain in the city and
the girls enjoy life..carman hits the airport roads fighting with his
best friend a US tramp. hitting the MISTER umberto
MASTER: neat Undertaker
for media Pax, glamourous, creative US*KILLER works for world wide
real estate maffia agency: NEW MEDIA and MEDIA manager: no name yuppy manipulating the shareholder values with his propaganda crew and new show tactics executive looser industrial pusher pigtecnical RED WOMAN: -her android module represents: sexy red haired girl, working class discoqueen with bizarre past chased by neroman- industrial pusher on hard core trip RED WOMAN crossover module : is a hard working girl hitting her way to total take over story2:
cont. smart girls escape from the sticky fingers of old school boys-power
and sadistic media images, susi meets red
woman at night together they fight back stupid attacks of boyz
media pax and power back the ruling images checker and asshole. in DJ outfit CARMAN: on level 1990 , good looking executive yuppi, in jeans and white collar-shirtknows nothing of managing practice, surfing through the power plants,multiplicator of macho attidude, susis ex, on level 2013 involved in project:” the last survivors of industrial times“ to prop images of no more exsting lakes rivers and sees , now wears a shottish kilt.
neromen , cheap entertainment who is melo impersonating?
he the embodiement of evil or common sense
?? for STAR is embodieng
the mediapax elite ....
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