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Let’s break down the
structure to give each part of your narrative clarity and impact. Here’s
a suggested organization into acts and scenes, along with potential character
arc refinements.
I: Arrival and Tension
1. Scene 1: Film
Crew Arrival in Cairo
Setting: Hilton
Nile, Cairo.
Characters Introduced: Cynthia
(reincarnated Morgiana), Angela Barbar (director), Ramses (formerly the pharaoh),
and General Siad.
Overview: Cynthia arrives
with Angela Barbar’s film crew, intended to shoot a controversial film
on women’s liberation. Early on, we sense tension between Western ideals
and Egyptian heritage.
Key Moment: Cynthia catches
sight of Ramses in the crowd, a mysterious figure she’ll soon be drawn
2. Scene 2: Rebels’ Meeting Behind the Sphinx
Setting: Desert outskirts of Cairo.
Characters Introduced: Fatima
(leader of the ISISGirls), Nagwa, and other rebel women. Overview:
Fatima and her group, ISISGirls, gather to discuss their plans to counter the
“anti-Eastern” propaganda from the film crew.
Key Moment: Fatima speaks of the rebirth of cultural guardianship, encouraging
her followers to protect their heritage fiercely.
3. Scene 3: Meeting in the Khan el Khalili Bazaar Setting: A vibrant Cairo
market.Characters Introduced: General Siad, Moussa (reincarnated Moses), and
Overview: Cynthia explores the market, where she meets General
Siad and Moussa, who serve as "watchdogs" over the film crew. Siad’s
disdain for Western interference is palpable, and Moussa hints at his own divine
past. Key Moment: Ramses, observing Cynthia from afar, makes a quiet
vow to recruit her for their cause.
Act II: Escalation and Allegiances 1. Scene 1: Disruption at the
Film Set Setting: Film set within the Hilton Nile. Overview:
The ISISGirls disrupt the film set, mocking the crew's depiction of Eastern
culture. Angela Barbar grows frustrated as her crew descends into chaos, especially
with leading actress Eva refusing to act. Key Moment: Cynthia begins
sympathizing with the ISISGirls, questioning her own loyalty to the film crew.
2. Scene 2: The Encounter with Ramses Setting: Nile riverbank.
Overview: Ramses approaches Cynthia privately, sharing his revulsion for power
and his vision for a “renewal” in Egypt. He reveals he once ruled
Egypt and subtly invites her to join the rebels. Key Moment: Cynthia
feels drawn to Ramses and his cause, sensing a deeper connection to him that
she can’t explain. 3. Scene 3: The Minaret Tragedy
Setting: Al-Azhar Mosque. Overview: A member of the film crew, Henkerdorf,
falls (or is pushed) from a minaret. This event unnerves everyone and escalates
the tension, suggesting that forces are conspiring against the film.
Key Moment: Cynthia realizes the danger surrounding the project and starts viewing
herself as a potential messenger between the two worlds.
Act III: Mysticism and Rebellion 1.
Scene 1: Sarah's Vision in the Desert Setting: Cairo desert outskirts.
Characters Introduced: Sarah Schönfeld, Semy (desert rebel), and the Holy
Dung Beetle. Overview: Sarah experiences traumatic visions of Auschwitz,
tormented by the cultural divide and her own ancestral trauma. Semy arrives
and comforts her, a blend of love and mystical symbolism. Key Moment:
Sarah and Semy’s interaction brings out a metaphorical union of East and
West. 2. Scene 2: The ISISGirls’ Plan Setting: Behind
the Sphinx. Overview: The ISISGirls and Ramses plan their next act
of defiance against the film crew and discuss manipulating Moussa’s role
as censor. Key Moment: Cynthia officially joins their cause, ready
to serve as a liaison. Her internal conflict fades as she identifies more with
the rebels.
Act IV: The Clash and Resolution 1. Scene 1: Showdown at the Hilton
Setting: Hilton Nile. Overview: The ISISGirls storm the Hilton Nile,
where an explosive confrontation unfolds between the film crew and the rebels.
Moussa's censorship restrictions tighten, and Ramses faces off against Siad,
questioning his loyalty. Key Moment: Cynthia chooses her allegiance,
standing with Ramses and the rebels.
2. Scene 2: Departure at Heliopolis Airport Setting: Heliopolis Airport.
Overview: The film crew is forced to leave Egypt, while the rebels’ work
has only just begun. The Holy Dung Beetle, a symbol of fate and eternity, appears
mysteriously, tying together the narrative's themes of rebirth and cosmic justice.
Key Moment: Cynthia watches the crew depart, finally feeling a sense of belonging
with her new allies.
Character Arcs Cynthia (Morgiana): Her journey from
an outsider to an ally of the rebels represents her internal struggle with identity
and loyalty, culminating in a rebirth as a protector of Egyptian heritage.
Ramses: His arc focuses on redemption and escaping the shadow of power he
once held, helping Cynthia and guiding her towards purpose.
Fatima: Symbolizing fierce heritage protection, Fatima’s role underscores
the cultural divide and the strength in reclaiming identity.
General Siad: Once loyal to Ramses, he’s torn between old loyalties
and new political pressures, embodying the conflict between personal honor and
national duty.
This structure can serve as a foundation. If you want more detail in specific
scenes or to dive deeper into characters, just let me know!
Chapter VI: The Enlightenment Pebbles trickled down from the
monumental stone block behind the Sphinx… out there in the desert. A petite
woman crawled out of a cave in the restricted area between the Pyramid and the
Sphinx. It was still night. The barely perceptible first streaks of shifting
light signaled the approach of dawn. The snorting of horses and a
whinny echoed dully from the stables down the hill.
A strong gust of wind blew a spray of sand against her bare legs as she ascended.
Hastily, she wiped her eyes with her fingers, brushing away the sand that had
gotten in. "Two million stone blocks," she thought, awestruck. From
the breast pocket of her gray linen jacket, she pulled out a tiny pocket mirror
and examined her eyes. She would be back at the hotel in time for breakfast.
At last, she had managed to sit unguarded beside the lion paws of the Sphinx,
far from the apparatus that had governed her for so long. Piet had
spent this night at his apartment in the embassy district. She could feel the
thrill all the way to her toes as she walked through the city of the dead. The
sleeping camels in the village below, near the watering trough, merely twitched
their ears slightly as Angela crept past. She had wisely kept her distance from
the straw-roofed huts and the better ones with corrugated iron roofs on her
path toward the desert. The boys who hawked Coke cans by day, dragging heavy
buckets of ice, were inside sleeping with their parents.
Child labor—oh yes, she would include that in her film reel; here it was
the rule. The business with the executioner's village had marred
her image, though otherwise, she shed no tears over it. What did he have to
make more deals than he could handle for? Down by the Pyramid, Angela paused,
considering whether she should dare to climb up and watch the sunrise from up
there, like a new goddess of the West. After such a test of strength, she could
defeat Adolf and her mother once and for all. She had paid the taxi
driver enough for two hours to wait at the edge of the village. Despite the
darkness, she had barely felt any fear, largely thanks to the highly reflective
quality of the whitish sand, which provided its own light.
She shivered at the thought that perhaps the dead wandered the corners at night.
Pharaohs in their gilded chariots, which had been buried with them in abundance
in their tombs—headed out, though, for the beautiful afterlife!
Angela tried to scream as something slithered over her half-bare feet. She dared
not look down, standing paralyzed with a pounding heart. The lizard scurried
up onto the limestone of the Chephren Pyramid and disappeared into a tuft of
grass. One hundred and thirty-seven meters high, with 2.3 million stone blocks
piled up, each weighing two and a half tons! Relieved to notice her
fright, she steadied herself with one of the grass tufts, set her foot firmly,
and climbed onto a ledge on the steep face. In the afterlife, they were said
to live on as they had in this world, only happier—that much she knew.
Yet, when she thought of the huts down below, the dried-up river strewn with
nylon rags, the tin cans among the reeds, the shards along the sacred banks,
she could not quite fit it all together.
What god, or rather, what system could possibly be responsible for that?
Bravely, she climbed a few meters higher along the wedge-shaped stones. It would
be enough if she could conquer her fear of Adolf and her mother, here and now,
in this life. Had she done what was right all these years? Right in pursuit
of… what, exactly? She found no clear answer, other than that she simply
functioned well… if she climbed high enough, enlightenment would surely
come; she knew that from countless legends. She had to get closer
to the sun disc of Aton. And, being in good shape, her muscles allowed her to
climb further and higher. She looked down at the desert below. The road to Sahara
City in the middle of the desert seemed devoid of traffic. Surely the camels
and horses were resting at the caravanserai at the foot of the Cheops Pyramid
further east. It appeared there might be better transportation options, she
mused. A stone came loose, causing her to stagger, her legs spread
wide as she lost a shoe. A shade lighter, she thought, fighting off the fear
with grit. Christian self-denial pulsed through her veins as she reveled in
her daring, far from any male assistance. Roughly estimated, she had managed
about fifty meters.
She would incorporate the Pyramid climb in her next film; this time, it wasn’t
quite fitting. This time, the theme was more about "Wealth for Everyone,
Thanks to Bureaucracy and Education."
Eva’s contribution as a reporter cleverly promoting Western-style industrialization
with Angela’s sentimental love story was excellent. Two men opposing their
wives' emancipation—both reporters—only to end up tangled in a cross-over
love affair and ultimately funding their wives' venture out of fear they might
leave. It had the right mix for everyone, complete with a happy ending.
A figure in loose white pants, a white shirt, and a straw hat trudged through
the sand toward the Pyramid, barefoot. Angela stopped, careful not to make any
sound that would draw attention to herself. What she was doing was strictly forbidden.
She recognized a young girl, red-faced and with cropped hair, approaching almost
directly beneath her. Strange; she must have come straight from the desert. Completely
alone! Only two water bottles and a weathered linen bag hung crosswise from long
leather straps over her shoulders. Truly strange! Or a mirage? Karen
Wagner, thought Angela, struggling to remember, then dismissed the thought. She
held her breath and looked south. Trickles of sweat from her armpits and forehead
tickled, but she needed her hands for climbing and endured the hellish itching
bravely. The executioner's village had been under her control on Adolf’s
behalf, but that was over now! Cynthia seemed suitable to continue the financial
negotiations here abroad. Though, on a personal level, Angela didn’t
entirely trust her. Especially because Cynthia had opposed the core idea of the
film in front of the whole team.
She had even said she couldn’t finish reading the script because…
Angela strained to recall… because… yes, Cynthia had said, “Women
as mere extensions of their men, who have always ruled the world… that’s
Angela’s gold watch band snagged on a stone edge and broke as she pulled
herself up to the next row of blocks. The watch fell silently ten to twenty
meters down, landing in a tuft of grass. A wedding gift from Adolf. Now, if
that wasn’t an omen of liberation, then what was? She briskly climbed
the next twenty meters without looking down once.
A thousand people were walled in alive to protect this wonder of the world with
its burial chambers after they had completed their work on it. Well, out of
the 100,000 who had worked on it for twenty years, it was not that many. Many
more must have died during the work or been whipped to death, Angela thought.
Suddenly, it became light. The sun shone softly as if enchanted, emerging from
nowhere. At least thirty meters remained! Angela heard loud car horns, echoing
in her ears as if muffled.
A murmur of voices buzzed around her ears—were they the dead?
Nonsense! Otherwise, we would still be without electric power today if there hadn’t
been some deaths along the way to progress now and then! She sought to soothe
her conscience.
The sun blinded her as she reached with her left hand for a rough stone, forming
a shield with her right hand to block the glare. The rosy fingers of dawn, innocent
and warming from the desert, reached Angela only outwardly. Her soul remained
as hardened as before. The Orient would, sooner or later, have to fall into line
within the world order—that, she vowed to herself!
She lifted her eyes, clutched the stone, raised her leg, and placed her bare
foot on another block to climb higher. For a fleeting second, the
sun almost tempted Angela’s weary eyes to warm her soul, to see more clearly.
But her nerves were already so paralyzed that a tendon snapped…
Green, red, yellow, and purple dissolved into a deadly black as she lost her
grip, clung briefly, then fell, scraping as she plummeted twenty meters, pushed
off, and felt as if she were flying. “I’m flying up to
you, sun!” she whispered to her mother, who, for a moment, seemed to choke
her. Adolf’s voice murmured to her:
“Higher, follow me!”
Down in the sand, death rattled.
Sometime later, a Coca-Cola boy discovered Frau Barbar, a lifeless bundle of
flesh, buried under a thin layer of yellowish-white sand. Angela’s right
hand—the one that had symbolized order—was missing. CAIRO
Sandra Wing crime trilogy presents a complex, darkly atmospheric
series of investigative tales blending mystery,
high society intrigue, and macabre crimes, set against
the evocative backdrop of 1970s-80s Europe.
The stories center around Sandra Wing, a sharp yet troubled
sleuth, and her novelist companion Georg Tagt. Together, they navigate bizarre
murders, hidden conspiracies, and twisted power dynamics while exploring themes
of greed, betrayal, and societal corruption.
Key Elements of the Trilogy:
Madonna Death Riddle
The dark, unsettling air of
the story suggests deeper layers of intrigue, betrayal, and violence, characteristic
of a thriller set in Rome's historic labyrinth.
Sandra investigates the gruesome murder of a man found mutilated beneath a Madonna
statue in Rome. Falsely implicated, she flees to Berlin, uncovering dark conspiracies
involving genetic research, financial manipulation, and a morally bankrupt elite.
Twists include coded interviews, a bleeding heart left as evidence, and high-stakes
media propaganda. The story culminates in her struggle to survive amidst betrayal
and chaos.
Wood Design Murder
Set in Munich, this mystery revolves around a Frankenstein-like fugitive, secretive
wood plantations, and a string of murders tied to a luxurious villa. Sandra
prevents a child’s poisoning, unravels twisted family secrets, and exposes
corrupt financiers while encountering bizarre crimes such as bodies hidden in
coffins and mysterious artwork depicting societal decay.
Factory Death Riddle
Sandra delves into the sinister workings of a global Social Spy Network (SSN),
encountering mind-control propaganda and corporate-driven genetic brain alterations.
From Venice to New York, she faces conspiracies tied to viral research, culminating
in harrowing escapes and chilling revelations. Georg becomes an obsessive antihero,
while Sandra risks everything to untangle corporate corruption and deadly revenge
WING book
Wood Design Murder
Factory Death Riddle
Themes & Style:
Locations: Nostalgic, richly
described settings in Rome, Berlin, Munich, and the European countryside evoke
an Art Deco and gothic aesthetic.Characters:
Sandra is a pragmatic, determined sleuth, while Georg's tormented, romantic
persona adds tension and depth. Wealthy elites, spurned lovers, and deranged
scientists populate the cast.
Tone: A mix of noir, surrealism,
and dark humor, featuring elaborate conspiracies and grotesque details.
Social Commentary: The stories
critique greed, elitism, and moral decay, weaving a tapestry of suspenseful narratives
and philosophical undertones.This trilogy is a dark, thrilling ride through
a morally ambiguous world where mysteries and dangers lurk at every turn.
Factory Death Riddle
GOOGLE has agreed to pay Wikipedia for content displayed by its
search engine. deals the US tech giant has struck with news outlets in Europe.
The Wikimedia Foundation, the charity online encyclopedia,
said Google was the first paying customer for its commercial venture Wikimedia
Enterprise. Google has previously given money to Wikipedia through donations
and grants but the new deal puts their relationship on a more formal commercial
footing."We have long supported the Wikimedia Foundation in pursuit
of our shared goals of expanding knowledge and information access for people
everywhere," said Google's Tim Palmer. The foundation's statement did not
reveal the value of the Google contract.Google has long had a troubled relationship
with other websites—it even attempted to create a rival to Wikipedia called
Knol, though the venture failed.But the company has changed tack in recent years
and is increasingly making deals, particularly with media companies.Google said
it had already made deals with hundreds of news outlets across Europe, Agence
France Presse among them