MELO pictures .....Star
STAR pictures

MELO pictures

yuppy CARMAN:„ I´m a codie fied executive“ EX-exec of media PAX
his Best friend Melo:„belief this !„ an Ex from RADICAL EXCESS New York. Potentialy involved in the case is the Ex-feminist STAR STAR actualy chief of development for victim moduls. Others involved in this case are IRVAN chiefcameraoperator of MEDIA PAX´s victim- persecutor show, PINKY his obedient sound -assistent
Undertaker for Pax is MISTER MASTER US Killer, declared:“they call me Alkatraz ´cause I´m hard as a rock“ neat and glamourous, as well as creative. He works for the biggest world wide real estate global agency:NEW MEDIA and MEDIA PAX doing his missions in style of a new school night clubber whereas his deal is to act as the old school undertaker to do the dirty work. Exec´s of PAX sent him after Red Woman to destroy the rebell modul, so no one will ever be able to copy it.

carla is creator and producer of
1000 html network| is a reality and fiction mix|
victima persecutor
Pictureshow munich in chatroom
with hitler and goebbels

STAR pictures