thekissofRedWoman ..1940..take over
Copyright egerer Story
.AI audio gpt CAIRO Rebel
.BIO english ..alterego .......chatgpt .....Cynthia All
sleuth SANDRA WING audio

a reality and fiction mix| ...CYNTHIA ALL chatgpt
carla egerer is creator and producer of
1000 html network| reality and fiction mix|
THE KISS OF REDWoman rvan Polonski
3  game ..4 Susi
EVILSTAR ...storyline audio
IRVAN visits SUSI ....AI Redwoman
TIK TOK ...Melo and Carman
PINKY trueblue ..Irvan Polonsky
 game ..4 Susi ..5 cast
characters Series.. ..
.Shows ....MUSEUM2 ...MUSEUm
. listen...comic gpt ENLIGHTENMENT
KnowHow SUSI:girly edition movies
of student reporter and Mc Job girl:
wants to get rid of good girl image movie soundtrack ..soundtrack2
RED WOMAN:android module rebel module
sexy red haired girl, working class

KnowHow SUSI: pic girly edition
of student reporter and Mc Job girl:
wants to get rid of good girl image.

RED WOMAN:cinderella android

with sentimental retrocodes
" gone with the wind"
crossover module :
hitting her way to total take over

RED WOMAN: android module :
sexy red haired girl, working class
Escapes WARshow activates
hidden chip module “take over “.
knowhow SUSI: new school:
girlism: 1990 free lance reporter,
2013 turned in hard core bad girl.
working at european patent office
hacker defence, under cover for
Rebell Media hackers. :nervshattering,
nervpoison-… meets RedWoman at night.
SUSI: shows REDWOMAN how to activate
hidden rebell-chip.
cindy stepmother-Ex-feminist
2013 chief of development victim-perpetrator
EVILLADY starboese chief of Irvan
polonsky live DP. REDWOMAN victim, Neroman
perpetrator showteam, execution
servant perpetrator.
Global Player of Mediacorporation is
ruling PHARMA PAX.Star developes new
Chipmodules. presented in new style
old suppression codes. 2 bracket
image chips are implanted in Androids
running around in series to serve
as trendsetter IDOLs.
shows propagate War cruelty as common
lifestyle to sidetrack from boredom.
Citypopulation shall be observed constantly,
to not question war. This mental programming
message tells : To be a victim is
worthwhile and approved.
For the perpetrator shall be out
of reach and anonymous.
Otherwise victim is loved .

UMBERTO MASTER US Killer,riding messenger,
Undertaker for PHARMA Pax
they call me Alkatraz
cause I m hard as a rock, glamourous, creative. world wide
WAR estate global agency: NEW MEDIA
PARMA PAX operating in style new school
night clubber.act old school undertaker
dirty work. PHARMA PAX
sent him to destroy
Red Woman rebell modul, to avoid image copy.
city controlled by MEDIA PAX
(kingdom) monitors SCREENS

redwoman SUSI: knowhowSUSI




CINDERELLA ANDROID OFF: two centuries ago she was
imagekeeper of Hail Mary the immaculate_
this genetic code could not be eradicated in REDWOMAN
Chip. 2013 in megastylish victim perpetrator war show.
Redwoman : flawed chip inside message: Hit first and take over.
resurrection of your brain. .holyness
email: info(at) ...titleSong. DEVOTION ...
.motherfucker ......ghettoblaster ..
.knowhowsusi-german CAUSE ...MUNICH 1997 ...munich 2008
. threatening the key US oil supplier
president speaks: 1990 bagdad America ..
who must be stopped.. real training ground
reporter satellite images US made up

Saddam’s huge and menacing army and

found nothing there but empty desert.....Cairo
STAR espanyol
preview on set in CAIRO

UNDerground city ruled by Rebell media. Knowhowsusi 2013 works
at patent office hacker defence. undercover
for rebel media to hack the android image codes.


MANAGER:producer of massmanipulating WARshows
" masterpiece of art " manipulating shareholder
with propaganda crew, to glorify war,
Teen#1 Teen#2 the cinderella pidgeons _
blood in dancing slipper…16 years
#1 the observer attentive, like an angel-
tramp outfit , plasticbags..,teased hair
TEENY’#1 ..a t t e n t i o n ..p s y ch o s ..
f o l l o wTEENY’#2 the provocateur,
commenting the happening ,
dressed in 60th colours,
stylish make up , carries sleeping pad
TEENY#2 “white collar asshole wanted
to convert me " they follow the mission as a whole
NEROMAN execution servant .
musical show team intangled in
clubcartel of Pharma PAx.
IRVAN polonski : -polish kameraman
designer suit . chief is Star making passes
on him. filosofer who does
opposite of what he´s talking.
PINKY TRUEBLUE: stepsister- soundgirl
MELO: court jester, 1990 US TRAMP,
ex of RADICAL EXCESS new York.
in europe in torn up suit, walked up shoes ,
worms through good old europe,
level 2013 asshole in DJ outfit.
"shut up with your mental impotence"
CARMAN: court jester,yuppydirector 1990 ,
jeans and white collar-shirt, knows nothing
of managing practice. surfing through power
plants 2013 search sponsors for:
„ last survivors of industrial times “
to prop images of no more existing
lakes rivers and sees ..
prohibited to show in Media city.
He´s on the elimination list.
"is the coloured material of Oxygen??!

SUSI reads erich Fromm ...

AI story