Copyright egerer
....the story

1   redwoman
2 irvan pinky ..3  game ..4 Susi ..5 cast..6.party

copyright code ....storyline ..Melo and Carman
characters. redwoman....SHOWS
characters ® . created by CARLA EGERER © ®.
cinderella you´ve lost your shoe..stop the harmony devoted shit'
HEY GIRLS stop the harmony devoted shit.. Stopp to understand..
where there is nothing to understand . stop the harmony devoted shit..
dont listen to smart Ass yuppy.. hey girls stopp the harmony devoted shit
...hit first and take over..for the next 1000 years over ...images.

redwoman is delivered from chip development
she exits the elevator. CLIP
Redwoman : flawed chip inside message
Hit first and take over…..
OFF: two centuries ago she was imagekeeper Hail Mary the immaculate
_genetic code still existed in REDWOMAN Chip.
2013 she is employed in megastylish victim perpetrator show.
yuppy carman+ UStramp melo

AXTION GAME CARLA EGERER © Game Target: destroy images on oficial screens. created by MEDIA PAX .Detect clone copies of RedWoman. Star tries to substitute rebellcodes with modules of „gone with the wind „ .
you must anticipate this with your team of street wise heroes. must free showteam of old images.
rebellmedia Hacker showteam, versus oficialmedia Media Pax showteam

Level 1990: idealists, mutate to best evils 2013
level 1940 massmanipulation tricks
Level 2013: mutation from idealist to best Evils. presents 100% fun for imagehoppers.
Level 2013 You attend Hit First training . teach you tricks from 1940 to massmanipulation take over.
You may attend manager training to show how to manipulate the masses.

oficial media: tales kingdom, victim is loved. Perpetrator stays anonymous out of reach.
Rebell media : underground lead in brain matters. ruled by girls
your target : team shall take power over city , preventing to be implanted with image moduls.
You shall detect which images serve EvilStar and which images include liberation code.
KNowhow SUSI reveals hidden axtion codes. Susi works at patent office hacker defence, undercover supplies RebellMedia to hack the image Codes.
You help red woman to escape the bloody WARshow. take prisoner StarBoese
Live emission: Redwoman dumps Neroman, -(execution servant)-hits cameraman and escapes showtunnel.

Media PAX oficial screens anounces: „Redwoman was hijacked of the show“

Rebellmedia emission anounces : „redwoman escaped the show.“
pinky TRUEBLUE : we cannot Stopp direct emmission. We will be fired.. At media Pax the victim shall be defeated.
Umberto US Master:” I´m your bloody undertaker. I´ll take care“
EvilStar -stepmother-„we let them die, it´s cheaper
Teen 1 pigeons- shopping bags „attention psychos are around“
Teen 2 with slepping pad„ white collar asshole with cultural neurosis wanted to proselyte me.“
red woman-cinderella:„we take over power nxt 1000 years!“
You start for RebellMedia: leading underground brain organisation . ruled by girls
start to explain the liberation codes to consumer slaves
versus oficial media : EvilStar propagates victim as IDOL. She transmits bloody perpetrator show with CINDERELLA RedWoman androids. Star employs company owned Killer Umberto Master -riding messenger-and IRVAN POLONSKY DP Team. To chase you down.
EvilLady: developes VICTIM PERPETRATOR shows for media pax
IRVAN POLONSKY live cameraman , pinky TRUEBLUE soundgirl
Neroman perpetrator star, Redwoman victim Star
Manager: old king-WAR Image Showproducer. manipulate shareholder values for PHARMA PAX

CRASH 1993©c.egerer GAme :the kiss of red woman , memory is a code of images
KnowHow SUSI :prince-knight-reporter mc jobgirl, white gloves, hit first and take over power
REDWOMAN. cinderella android Working girl, Android modul, red gloves, (hidden take over code)
IRVAN Polonski: stepsister-director of photographie: does opposite of what he s talking. "A free man cannot acquire many possessions, because this is not easy to do without servility to mobs or monarchs." epicurus

Munich movies documentaries,

email: info(at)redwoman.de


EVILSTAR: (evil lady) 1990 emancipated feminist. level 2013 media strategist in latexsuit involved in creative Murder - chiefdeveloper. supervising prototype shows for victim perpetrator chip image layers , to manipulate the masses
manager: of Victim-perpetrator warshow, flat untrue –masterpiece of art: new type show to glorify war- shows with glamourous cinderella chased down by neromen musical team
EVILSTAR: active feminist on level 1990,in grey suit. level 2013 in tight black latex dress.strategist develops victim images for media pax to corrupt the masses. maintains the old supression rules : perpetrator anonymous not attainable! victim is made a star.....
This message gets hammered into viewers head. If the current in the imagelayer gets interrupted immediatly ---
starts the message for hidden rebell take over code.
manager: producer for Media Pax WAR SHOW. young demagogue in hip tight woolen wear, with propaganda crew.new show tactics.manipulating the audience.
Irvan polonski : polish kameraman in designer suit . his chief is Star making passes on him. filosofer does the opposite of what he´s talking , level 2013 chiefcameraoperator –in BATMAnjumpsuit - slams in on red woman.
pinky trueblue : tight pink outfits, soundgirl with boom , obedient and mindless.
MISTER Umberto MASTER: US*KILLER Undertaker for Pax, world wide WAR estate maffia : Pharma PAX operates in style of a new school night clubber to perform as old school undertaker. in italian designer cloth
master of creativity "to distract the masses from DIRTY Work of MEDIA PAX " Master of plush corner Massaker TV special: BIZZARRE Killings 100% BULLET PROOF BOX OFFICE Massmedia appeal : They were licencing war events as global players .
NEROMAN star in victim perpetrator show, grooming his hairs and performance to worm his way to fame. pusher on hard core trip. Assisted by Neromen showteam
teen#1 teen#2 16 years #1 observer, like an angel, in tramp outfit , plastic.bags..,teased hair
TEENY’#1 a t t e n t i o n p s y ch o s f o l l o w u s #2 the provocatuer is comentating the happening , dressed in 60th colours, stylish make up , carries sleeping pad TEENY#2 “white collar culture asshole wanted to convert me " they follow the mission as a whole

to be or not to be is---
rebel module
events TECNOCLUB airport Ultraschall
..MUNICH 1997 .....Munich 2008 ....

Is ruled by life REDWOMAn warshow
Cinderella android REDWOMAn is star in these shows .
Production line is delivered with a flawed chip.
These Androids are running around in series and serve as trendsetters.
To be a victim is fully accepeted and loved.
This message gets hammered into viewers head.
If the current in the imagelayer gets interrupted imediatly
starts the message for hidden take over code.
Mediastrategist EVILstar developer of shows
and image chiplayers .keeps the error hidden from
MEDIA PAXmanagers.
USkiller Umberto Master has to solve the problem.
Renegades will be liquidated.