MANAGER: producer of WAR shows,
MAssmanipulation codes
“i'm shure you can represent our global marketing strategy:
we need the image of helpless urban people.
we are the consumer solution to his problems…we help.
Post industrial time android Idols multiplied by image layers
served as trendsetters. running around in series.
chipdevelopment.....STORY ...KNOW GLOBAL CHANNEL.
clip.... View Geheime Schulungsunterlagen
secret 1940view ...Manager.. Manager 1940
Android REDWOMAN with mutiply modules figured
for extreme drama plots.. introduced in cruel bloody
Monitor warshows for massmanipulation.

RED WOMAN SHOW Manager: producer of WAR shows . MAssmanipulation codes.
Evil Star is his mediastrategist. with his propaganda crew.
manager: producer for Media PAx WAR estate image shows.
Manager of redwoman chip“i'm shure you can represent our global marketing strategy: we need the image of helpless urban people, we are the consumer solution to his problems…we help."
DER MANAGER : junger busines Stratege, alta moda anzug und bernsteinkette. dirigiert die Produkteinführung des labels red woman , demagogisch weicher habitus.
story mediaPax stimulates consumer slaves with cruel victim shows an imageproject to distract from common boredom. Developed by Evillady. StarBoese Mediastrategist developed chip layers with drama.

global Image Project: android prototype RedWoman to entertain people in consumer slaves colony.
Gladiators In ancient Rome entertained the masses. Post industrial time android Idols multiplied by image layers served as trendsetters. running around in series.
Produced by slaves the chipimplant didn’t cost much. victim became loved idol in consumer slaves colony ruled by Media Pax. The persecutor stayed anonymous.
Victim-perpetrator show masterpiece of art: new type show to glorify war- glamourous cinderella REDWOMAN
To prevent consumer slave colony from
common Boredom the shows entertain and propagate lifestyles with daily cruelty .antiquated rolemodel introduced ensures power to global players.citypeople shall be kept under permanent supervision .Global War is promoted as daily routine.
this mental labeling idolizes the victim as desireable and fully accepted. the conquierors are kept out of reach. renegades will be liquidated.
Media pax keeps renegades list of citypeople. UMBERTO Master makes short work of renegades . he takes care.
persecutor show serves as trendsetter to never question war and keep cruelty as common standard.
victim is made icon. engineering an antiquated role modell to keep power in perpetrator hands. Behaviour controll and execution of renegades. software syntax was shown all over media city Monitors. MASSENBEEINFLUSSUNG ................MASS MARKETING
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Magda Goebbels war erbin des Flugzeugkonzerns und liebte Goebbels den Ex-Oberlehrer aus der Provinz.
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