Die idealisten mutieren
zu den exemplarischen boesen

ENGLISH .....CLIP ...Return to news..
New heroines from germany ...SUSI
fight back the evil...
youtube ...
StarBoese trailerclip
former feminist FoToStOrYon level 1990
emancipated feminist political informed level 2013 new media strategist
involved in creative Murder
EVILSTAR is chief of development for victim moduls,

EVILstar is --supervising prototype shows for victim persecutor, to manipulate the masses.evilSTAR: emancipated feminist political informed on level 2013 new media strategist involved in creative Murder - .TALK


spread totally opposite news:„ Red woman was kidnapped from the show.
MEDIA PAX radios shouts : “call number 2013 it doesn´t pay to rebel “
Management queen EvilLady of global enterprise in chatroom with hitler, gives order to
US UMBERTO MASTER killer to destroy redwomans rebellmodul ....
others involved
Manager of MediaPAx
: stylish,no name yuppy manipulating the shareholder values  with his propaganda crew  and new show tactics. embodiement of EVIL

Media Pax ...history ..
dreamdog girl in bagdad)